Category: Uncategorized

Addiction Recovery and Meditation

Most people wouldn’t automatically associate addiction recovery and meditation, but meditation can play an important role in recovery. Some will reject meditation as foo-foo type stuff, or something that seems weird to them like sitting with crossed legs chanting ommmm, ommmm, ommmm, but meditation…

Addiction Treatment Code of Ethics

          All professions should have a code of ethics and should abide by the code of ethics.. The NAADAC Code of Ethics was written to govern the conduct of members of NAADAC, the Association for Addiction Professionals. Wikipedia states ethics are…

Marijuana and the Brain

What’s known about marijuana and the brain? Studies have shown for a long time that significant marijuana use while the brain’s still forming connections and maturing creates negative effects. This is from the National Institute on Drug Abuse: “A large longitudinal study in New…

Common sense addiction talk

Sometimes we in the field of addiction treatment speak a language that’s not understood by most people – we need common sense addiction talk. There’s been a tendency to soften the language, but much of these efforts muddy the issue rather than help. To…

I can’t afford addiction treatment

 “I can’t afford addiction treatment.” Most often, when someone doesn’t have insurance they think treatment’s too expensive, so usually they don’t check into possibilities. Not all facilities will work out payment plans, but there are some, like NewDay, that will. For some reason, many…

The Opiate Crisis

Much has been written about the opiate crisis in the US — it’s agreed among experts that something must be done to address this crisis. Congress has proposed huge amounts of money to tackle the crisis, but I haven’t seen any tangible results. One…

What is addiction treatment?

At NewDay Counseling we often see potential clients who tell us upfront during the assessment that they’ve been through addiction treatment several times. What is addiction treatment? Once we ask them where they received treatment, they report 4 day stays in a detox, or…

Addiction Treatment and Motivation

Addiction treatment outcomes are determined in large part by motivation. Like most endeavors that require long term actions, motivation is vitally important. In the beginning, a client’s motivation might be that some consequence will come about if the client doesn’t go to treatment, such as…

Binge Drinking

What is binge drinking and why is it a problem? While hard to identify, binge drinking’s usually considered drinking 5 or more drinks with blood alcohol concentration of .08. It’s slightly less for females. Binge drinking is most common among ages 18-34. Often binge…

Life Without Alcohol

Life without alcohol? Most people can’t imagine going without alcohol – not even a beer while cutting grass! a glass of wine at dinner! a favorite bourbon drink after a long day at work!?!? Most people don’t have a problem with drinking, but they…