Category: Uncategorized

Atheists & Agnostics in Alcoholics Anonymous

Atheists & agnostics in Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is a controversial subject among some in AA. The concept of a Higher Power is alien to an atheist and often not viable for the agnostic. Depending on where a recovering alcoholic first tries AA, the subject…

Alcoholism and Holidays

I could have titled this recovery and holidays rather that alcoholism and holidays, but I believe we all need to come to terms with the word “alcoholism”and “alcoholic”. Alcoholism is perceived as a harsh word that some prefer to soften with terms like Alcohol…

Gratitude in Addiction Recovery

In the recovery communities you’ll hear a term — an attitude of gratitude. Gratitude in addiction recovery is significant because it helps rewire the brain. The reason it’s an attitude of gratitude is because constancy is necessary to change years of negative thinking caused…

Treating Opiate Addiction

Treating opiate addiction is difficult. Detox alone is insufficient for most opiate addicts. After getting opiates out of the body, you’re left with the 90% of the problem. After detox, there’s what’s called Post-Acute Withdrawals. This is an excerpt from Addictions and There…

Addiction Prevention

Do addiction prevention programs work? They do if they’re comprehensive. Comprehensive means consistent, repetitive, thorough, pertinent, etc. Below are 16 Prevention Principles from the National Institute on Drug Abuse           Prevention Principles These principles are intended to help parents, educators,…

Spiritual Solutions to Addiction

As addiction science has advanced through the years, spirituality in addiction treatment is regarded as voodoo by many healthcare professionals, but most of us who’ve worked in the field for decades believe there are spiritual solutions to addiction. When you witness the amazing process…

Congressman Buddy Carter visits Newday Counseling

Congressman Buddy Carter visited NewDay Counseling along with Field representative Hunter Hall. Congressman Carter and Mr. Hall asked a lot of questions, especially related to the national opioid crisis. We discussed how NewDay is doing its part to help treat opioid addiction. We also…

The Art of Addiction Recovery

Why not the art of addiction recovery? There’s The Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, The Art of Zen, The Art of Love, The Art of War, on and on. I admit, The Art of Addiction Recovery is not as catchy, but, hey, it might catch…

Healthcare and Addiction

Healthcare and addiction, in reality, are closely connected – in obvious ways and not so obvious ways. I want to address the hidden costs of chemical dependence/addiction. Our healthcare system treats mostly symptoms of addiction. One of the problems is often with addiction the…

Addiction – Reaching Out for Help

Most drug addicts, including alcoholics, don’t receive treatment — in fact, only about 10% receive treatment. This is astounding. Reaching out for help is difficult, but that’s not the only problem. Once an addict decides to get help, it’s hard to access treatment. Even…