Category: Uncategorized

New Year’s Addiction Resolution

Most people think of resolutions at the beginning of the New Year. Our name – NewDay Counseling – is based on the concept of a new start, new life, new beginning, a new day. Addiction treatment is not something to put off, because it’s too easy to…

Opioid Deaths Continue to Rise

  This Washington Post article received national attention. Opioid deaths continue to rise — in 2015 the number of opioid caused deaths were greater than gun homicides. All drug overdose deaths reached approximately 50,000. Around 7200 American soldiers have died in the Middle East…

Accessing Addiction Treatment

Most people who have a problem with addiction don’t know how to access addiction treatment. Because it’s such an emotional decision, when a person thinks about maneuvering through some type of healthcare maze to access treatment, it seems overwhelming. The good news is that it’s not that…

More on Medication Assisted Treatment

I don’t really understand the resistance to medication assisted treatment (MAT) for addiction — according to NIH: Medications are Not Widely Used Less than 1/2 of privately-funded substance use disorder treatment programs offer MAT and only 1/3 of patients with opioid dependence at these…

From Addiction Thinking to Recovery Thinking

In addiction treatment we seek to move the addict from addiction thinking to recovery thinking. In active addiction a person’s constantly in conflict with reality, usually because the person is in some stage of denial. No one wants to be an addict — no one wants to be…

Alcohol – Teenage Binge Drinking

It’s difficult for parents of teenagers when it comes to alcohol. On one hand the modern, open minded parent doesn’t want to be an overbearing moralist, but on the other hand science is discovering negative effects when teenagers drink alcohol, especially if they’re binge drinking. This…

Site Problems

If you stopped by in the last few days, the site either didn’t come up, or it looked strange. Our host had some kind of problem that took a full two days to correct, but I’m back to normal.   NewDay      

The Joy of Recovery From Addiction

I find that most people are uncomfortable talking about addiction, addiction treatment or addiction recovery. The word addiction is loaded with negatives and stigma still remains. Some people have an image of a skid row “wino”, while others envision a drug addict using a needle in a…

More on Addiction Recovery

We know all about the horrors of addiction. Media usually goes for the sensational, and they’re often weak on the stories of heroism, redemption, success, acts of love, feats of courage and recovery from affliction. You hear much more about the heroin addiction epidemic than you do recovery…

Treating Heroin Addiction

The good news in the midst of the heroin epidemic is that treating heroin addiction is possible and recovery is likely if a comprehensive treatment plan is followed long term. There are many recovering heroin addicts in Narcotics Anonymous who’ve been drug free for decades….