Category: Uncategorized

Recovery From Opioid Addiction

Opioids once referred to synthetic opiates, such as Oxycontin. Opiates referred to drugs derived from opium, such as heroin. Now, most people in the medical field use the term opioids to refer to all opiate-like drugs, natural, synthetic or semi-synthetic. So, when I write opioids, I’m referring…

Heroin, Dope Fiends and Mystics

For those who get the impression from the news that heroin addiction is a new problem, please understand that heroin has been around for a long, long time, and I mean long. The earliest written history of the opium poppy dates back to the Sumerians…

Alcoholism and Relapse

Alcoholism is often called a disease of relapse. What pertains to alcoholism and relapse actually pertains to drug addiction and relapse in general, but for simplicity’s sake I’ll write about alcoholism and relapse. Relapse is when an alcoholic has had a period of recovery and then…

Language of Addiction

The language of addiction is important. When people use certain language to speak about addiction it can perpetuate old ideas that are counterproductive to dealing with addiction. Often you’ll hear someone say with disdain “all he does is get high everyday”. I’ve heard over and…

The Cost of Addiction Treatment

When considering the cost of addiction treatment, people usually have two perceptions — one is of very expensive inpatient treatment in beautiful facilities that the rich and famous utilize, and the other perception is of a state funded facility that subsidizes the cost of addiction treatment. This…

Addiction Recovery and Exercise

Although medicine and counseling are important aspects of recovery from addiction, plain old physical exercise is also very helpful. Addiction recovery and exercise are not often associated with one another, but studies show that addiction treatment facilities should place more importance on exercise in…

Heroin Epidemic: Solutions

Across the nation, cities are dealing with an heroin epidemic. The above video shows that not all authorities are doubling down on failed strategies to deal with the incredible rise in heroin use — some are actually looking for fundamental solutions. When authorities continuously…

Opiates, Suboxone and Recovery

The history of opiate addiction goes way, way back. Wars have been fought over opium. From the opium poppy plant to morphine to heroin to opioids like oxycodone, it’s been a long progression. Opium has been used for pleasure, enlightenment, escape from reality and to kill pain. Opiate/opioid addiction…

Chemical Dependence and Psychology

Chemical Dependence and psychology are often intertwined, but they’re not as closely related as most people believe. Chemical Dependence and psychology are related, but it’s a mostly relationship of co-existence. There’s a common misperception that chemical dependence is a result of unresolved mental and…

Alcohol and the Body

Most people don’t know how alcohol affects the body. With most moderate drinkers, although even in small amounts alcohol affects all parts of the body, the amount of alcohol consumed could create positive effects – but when drinkers consume alcohol on a regular basis…