Category: Uncategorized

Addiction Treatment: Change

Change is frightening to many people, not just to those going through addiction treatment. Most addicts, though, fear change, because it means experiencing life without their drug of choice. Addiction creates an obsession with a drug that goes to the part of the brain which deals with our…


Do Employment Assistance Programs (EAP) create a return on investment (ROI)? EAP and ROI has been a controversial issue in the business world for a long time. Studies have shown that EAP creates a ROI, but a lot depends on the EAP program and the…

Addiction and Relapse

This excerpt is from regarding addiction and relapse: Addiction relapse is generally considered to be the return to substance use after a period of abstinence. However, according to James Garbutt, MD, professor of psychiatry at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill and a researcher…

Chemical Dependency and Stigma

Chemical dependency and stigma in 2016 shouldn’t be an issue – however, there’s still stigma attached to chemical dependence, addiction, drug use disorder, or whatever one calls it. Most professionals are using the term chemical dependence because “addiction” is so loaded with negative connotations, but to…

Mindfulness in Recovery

Alcoholics Anonymous’s Step Ten is “Continued to take personal inventory, and when we were wrong promptly admitted it”. This step is intended to prevent the recovering alcoholic from drifting back into the alcoholic mindset and old behaviors that lead to drinking — it’s also for those in long…

AA in the 21st Century

Alcoholics Anonymous has changed through the years, but AA might be facing bigger challenges in the 21st century than it did in the latter part of the 20 century. AA in the 21st century faces secularism and a general trend of suspicion of all…

Motivation in Addiction Treatment

There are basically three types of motivation in addiction treatment. One is to avoid unpleasant consequences through compliance. These clients are usually pushed hard to get into treatment, and they’re the most likely to return to their drug of choice. Another form of motivation is calculation —…

Addiction Recovery: Why Change Is Hard

When chemically dependent individuals go through treatment and begin addiction recovery, then they return to alcohol or whatever drug of dependence they preferred, the “failures” are always noticed because of the consequences that usually follow. Those who go to treatment and remain abstinent simply go about their…

The Suboxone controversy continues

Although, I’m not sure why, at least from the standpoint of addiction treatment. Here are a few reasons that treatment facilities don’t use Suboxone, taken from a article:   “Short answer, no. Suboxone is a temporary solution for a permanent problem. “You can…

Addiction and Recovery Management

The major difficulty with recovery from addiction is that addicts have created a slew of faulty conclusions that aren’t based in facts and reality. Recovery Management is, in large part, reexamining these conclusions and slowly accepting facts and reality. Addicts aren’t the only ones working off…