Category: Uncategorized

Addiction counseling — first things first

Science is learning more and more each day about addiction and treatment of addiction. Medical developments in addiction treatment are encouraging. A major problem in addiction treatment in the past has been integrating medical treatment, addiction education and talking therapy. Addiction counseling and treatment have a lot to do…

Marijuana – the safe drug?

Before you believe the myths about marijuana – the safe drug – do a little research. Just because marijuana is legal in some states, and decriminalized in many, doesn’t mean it’s safe. Alcohol beverages are legal, but alcohol does more damage than all drugs…

EAP in Savannah Ga

NewDay Counseling offers Employee Assistance Program (EAP) services in Savannah and surrounding areas. EAP in Savannah is mixed according to the size of the business or organization. Many small business don’t think they need EAP but it’s a valuable tool for any size organization. Some employees may not know they…

Addiction and Denial

Denial is the reason most addicts don’t seek treatment on their own. Most addicts don’t think they are addicts, or they don’t want to be an addict. Who wants to be an alcoholic or a cocaine addict or an opiate addict? Like other problems that…

Opiate addiction and treatment

Opiate addiction has been in the news lately, although it’s a very old problem. Throughout the years since healthcare professionals turned their attention to opiate addiction and treatment, there has been limited success treating opiate addicts. Part of the problem has been a lack of…

Power of Group Therapy

Group therapy used in the treatment of addiction is powerful and effective for several reasons. The power of group therapy generates compassion and creates a bond among the group participates. This compassion and bonding leads to the transformational idea that the addict in treatment is…

AA and the God Thing

Marya Hornbacher wrote a book titled “Waiting” that deals with the problems atheists or agnostics have when they encounter AA and the God thing. Here’s a quote from Hornbacher: The official preamble Alcoholics Anonymous states: “The only requirement for AA membership is a desire to stop…

Bright Side to Addiction

Is there a bright side to addiction? Yes, there’s a bright side to addiction, if a person gets into recovery and hasn’t done irreparable damage, which is usually not the case. The sooner an alcoholic or drug addict gets into treatment and recovery, the…

The Value of an EAP

EAP stands for Employee Assistance Program. NewDay Counseling offers EAP to companies and organizations in the Savannah and surrounding areas. The value of an EAP depends on the employer’s understanding and appreciation of the EAP and the EAP’s ability to provide quality and proficiency to the company and it’s employees. EAPs help educate…

Evolving Addiction Treatment

This will wrap up this series of posts. Addiction treatment has changed in many ways, but in most ways certain recovery principles haven’t changed. Evolving addiction treatment has had mostly to do with medication-assisted treatment. Suboxone and Naltrexone are just a couple of medications that have changed addiction…