Category: Uncategorized

Opiate Regulations

Often, opiate regulations have unintended consequences. Recently, the DEA has confirmed what healthcare providers have known for a while — heroin use is growing at an alarming rate. Part of the problem is that government attempts to deal with the problem of prescription opiates, like OxyContin, by…

How Alcohol and Pot Interact

Now that marijuana is a major news item due to Colorado legalization and the national debate over whether all states ought to legalize marijuana, more information is coming forth to dispel myths about pot. There is also new information from recent studies. I’m not taking…

Stages in Addiction Recovery

When I first started working in addiction treatment, there was more of an emphasis on recovery or failure, but those of us who continued in the field for years recognized stages in addiction recovery going from active addiction to long term recovery. When addicts are…

Alcoholism and Executives

During the 17 years I’ve worked in addiction treatment, I’ve seen people from all walks of life with an alcohol, or some other drug, problem. I’ve worked with a top insurance executive, the head of a psychology department at a major university hospital, a South…

Alcohol might harm the elderly

I hate to bring bad news to seniors who’ve dreamed of retiring and drinking alcohol whenever they feel like it. For a long time we’ve heard that moderate alcohol intake is beneficial to the heart, but recent research suggests this is not entirely true. It…

Addiction Recovery and Relationships

At NewDay Counseling we counsel clients regarding relationship issues. Addiction recovery and relationships are intertwined in several ways. If the client is married, or if the client lives with parents, or if the client has any long term relationship with a significant other, truth is always a casualty….

Alcohol addiction treatment

Alcohol addiction treatment is a distinct treatment from alcohol abuse counseling. Although the new term Alcohol Use Disorder is used for both , I prefer alcoholism or alcohol addiction for clarity’s sake. I really don’t see AUD catching on in alcohol addiction treatment programs. Alcoholics certainly have a…

Medical aspects of alcoholism

Everyone in the healthcare field should understand the medical aspects of alcoholism. There are medications that can help with the treatment of alcoholism or the consequences of alcohol misuse. Not all misuse of alcohol is alcoholism, but any drinking that’s over a moderate amount can…

More on Recovery Management

I would like clarify my ideas and write something more on Recovery Management. In a practical sense, Recovery Management is about checking off items on a recovery plan list — nutrition, exercise, support group, relationships, work, etc, right on down the list of areas of concern…

Suboxone maintenance, not detox

In the future, addiction treatment professionals will speak of opiate treatment in terms of Suboxone maintenance, not detox. In the 80s, when I started in the addiction treatment field, opiate addiction treatment was not very successful. I worked at an inpatient facility. Opiate addicts…