Category: Uncategorized

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Recovery Management

I’m as guilty as anyone writing about the problem more than the solution. It’s no wonder that many in society have a negative perception of addiction — they hear about the problem and consequences of addiction and substance abuse, yet hardly ever hear about or…

Substance Abuse or Addiction

Both terms are used, substance abuse or addiction treatment, interchangeably, although a distinction is made if we’re talking about diagnoses. When I first started in the addiction treatment field, the term substance abuse treatment was often used in lieu of addiction treatment. I don’t know if substance abuse had…

From Librium to Xanax

From Librium to Xanax, promises were made my marketers that each new form of benzodiazepines would be safer than the previous form, but problems continue with abuse, dependence and addiction. Here’s a short history from the British Journal of Medical Practictioners: The advent of benzodiazepines in the late…

Holding onto Marijuana

Most addicts who use multiple drugs, including marijuana, can usually see the destruction of their main drug of choice, like cocaine or heroin, but they’re reluctant to give up the pot. The addict views marijuana as a harmless vice, something to use recreationally without the consequences of “hard” drugs….

Spirituality and Recovery

Alcoholics Anonymous was the main pioneer of the spiritual concept in recovery from alcoholism, although AA borrowed much from the Oxford Group. The Oxford Group was a Christian religious movement aimed at alcoholics, though, while AA sought unaffiliated spiritual enhancement, leaving religion to each individual as a choice,…

Addiction and recovery

Addiction is a chronic brain disease that is sadly undertreated and misdiagnosed. Addiction and recovery are important issues to society, yet, there’s not much in the news to keep people informed. This is from ReNew Everyday:   Twenty-three million Americans age 12 or older suffer…

Alcohol and Cocaine – Cocaethylene

Many cocaine users also drink alcohol. Some cocaine users have said that alcohol prolongs the effects of cocaine, and there are good reasons for cocaine users to say this. The combination of alcohol and cocaine produces a chemical known as Cocaethylene. These excerpts come from Elements Behavioral…

Alcoholism, Depression,Treatment

Alcoholism and depression are intertwined. Many people don’t know that alcohol is a depressant, although its initial effect can be stimulative for some people. There are reasons for the changing nature of alcohol — it affects different parts of the brain as more alcohol is consumed….

Alcohol problems and treatment

Social drinkers don’t usually like to read articles such as this because they believe one more of life’s pleasures is under attack. Food, gambling, sex, alcohol — what’s next? I understand this reaction, because I’ve rebelled against those who seem to want to control everything we do —…