Category: Uncategorized

Opiates and the Brain

I’ve written some about the effects of different drugs, such as opiates, on the brain. I’m not a doctor or a scientist, and I haven’t even played one of them on tv, but there are articles explaining the chemical reactions in the brain and how…

What is recovery from addiction?

What is recovery from addiction? Most people would say recovery is when someone who has a problem with alcohol or other drugs quits drinking or doing drugs, but this isn’t near all that constitutes recovery. In Alcoholics Anonymous there are those who say they are…

Public attitudes toward drug addiction

It’s hard to believe, but a significant portion of the public, and even some in the medical profession, still view drug addiction as a moral failing and not a chronic brain disease that needs treatment. Public attitudes toward drug addiction have changed, but not much. The judgment is that…

ACA and Addiction Treatment

This is from the Office of The Assistant Secretary for planning and Evaluation regarding the Affordable Car Act and treatment for alcohol and other drug problems: The Affordable Care Act builds on the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act of 2008 to extend federal…

Doctors and Addiction

Doctors, especially family physicians, can be vital catalysts when it comes to convincing those who need it to seek treatment for an addiction problem. The doctor has authority, so when a patient hears that physical complications will develop if they continue to drink heavily or…

Opiates and Benzos – High Risk

Health professionals in Savannah, Ga have to pay special attention to opiate addiction due the fact we have a military base in the middle of town and another one close by in Fort Stewart. Opiate addiction is not only a problem with wounded soldiers,…

Marijuana is not harmless

With recent relaxation of marijuana laws one might think that pot is not so bad. Recreational, periodic use might not be so bad, but remember that alcohol is legal, and it still kills more people each year than all the other drugs, legal or…

Opiate addiction and Return of Heroin

Savannah, Ga. is no exception to the rise in opiate addiction. All across the US a large number of people are addicted to pain-killing medicine, such as: Demerol Fentanyl Dilaudid Norco Lortab Atarax Read here to better understand how opiates come in different forms — natural, synthesized…

Alcoholism and Anxiety

[wpseo_address oneline=”1″ show_state=”0″ show_phone=”1″ show_email=”0″][wpseo_map width=”400″ height=”300″ zoom=”-1″ map_style=”roadmap” scrollable=”1″ show_route=”0″ show_state=”0″] I used the term alcoholism in the title for clarity, but the new DSM-V term is Alcohol Use Disorder, AUD. When I write AUD, I’m referring to alcoholism. In a way I…

Opiate Addiction and Suboxone

Much has been written and debated about Suboxone treatment, but most medical professionals who deal with addiction treatment agree that Suboxone is an innovative treatment for opiate withdrawal. Suboxone allows opiate addicts the comfort to receive treatment for their addiction. I remember when I…