Category: Uncategorized

Opioid Crisis and Addiction Treatment

Although it’s a multifaceted problem, the current opioid crisis will not get better until quality treatment is available for everyone who’s addicted. We can still discuss how the problem started and ways to deal with doctors who over-prescribe, but the truth is most doctors…

What do you want?

The one question that stumps most new clients just entering treatment is — what do you want? The client is used to people telling him or her what they need, so, when asked what they want, most people hesitate and stutter. Most say they…

Addiction Recovery – Asking For Help

It’s difficult for most people to ask for help. Many of us like to think we can take care of our own problems. Perhaps you were taught as a child to be strong and independent, so later on you always felt as if it’s…

Cocaine deaths are on the rise

For a while opiates have been the leading cause of drug-death concerns, so that’s the drug in the headlines, but it appears cocaine deaths are on the rise. The reason, though, might be a combination of cocaine and Fentanyl (a very powerful opiate). One…

The Cost of Addiction Treatment

Most people don’t like to talk about money, especially when it comes to the cost of receiving healthcare and mental health counseling or addiction treatment. The helping profession is often seen as a charitable labor of love. People who enter the helping professions don’t…

Mindfulness and Addiction Recovery

What is mindfulness, and what do mindfulness and addiction recovery have to do with one another? I don’t want to sound like a new age hippie, but there’s a lot to mindfulness that’s practical, sensible and critical to a deep and lasting recovery from…

The benefits of addiction recovery

There are basically three types of motivation for people who enter addiction treatment. The first type of motivation is external pressure, coercion, like a spouse threatening to leave, a judge who gives the option of treatment or jail, an employer who says get treatment…

Do you want to stop drinking?

Young people and opiates

Do you want to stop drinking? Have you tried to quit in the past yet returned to drinking shortly after? You’re not alone. Millions of people want to stop drinking, yet keep returning to the alcohol. This applies to other drugs as well, but…

A Story of Recovery From Addiction

Darla was born in a medium size southern town. Everything about Darla suggested her future held a charmed life. Growing up, Darla never told anyone she wanted to be an addict. Of course, being an addict was never a consideration. Who wants to be…

Suboxone is not a cure for opiate addiction

Too many opiate addicts and helping professionals rely too much on Suboxone and not enough on addiction treatment. To be clear, Suboxone is not a cure for opiate addiction, it’s merely an aid to recovery. Suboxone will ease withdrawals from opiates, but it doesn’t…