Category: Uncategorized

Addiction Recovery: A New Life

Addiction recovery

We’re inundated with news about the consequences of addiction, but seldom do we hear about addiction recovery. It happens in thousands of lives each day — people recovering from addiction and starting anew.  It’s quite literally a new life when a person recovers from…

Alcoholism: A Serious Disease

Pharmacology and alcoholism

I recommend to anyone who wants to better understand alcoholism to read the book Under the Influence. Alcoholism is a serious, deadly disease that’s often overlooked when talking about consequences of drug use. Alcohol is a drug, just a socially accepted drug. Just because…

What About Pot?

what about pot?

What about pot? Isn’t it a safe drug to use? It’s common for a client to come to NewDay wanting help with alcohol (or cocaine, opiates, meth, whatever is they’re drug of choice), but then as they’re going through treatment, they smoke pot. We…

Happy in Recovery

In Alcoholics Anonymous literature you’ll read that the recovering alcoholic can become happy, joyous and free. This might sound hyperbolic, but recovery is about freeing yourself from the chains of addiction to become happy in recover. Is anyone ever happy all the time? No….

Addiction Treatment Survey – CARF

NewDay Counseling recently went through our second addiction treatment survey by CARF. For those unfamiliar with CARF, this is a description of their mission from Wikipedia: CARF’s mission is to provide accreditation standards and surveyors for organizations working in the human-services field worldwide with…

Statistics on Alcoholism

Every so often I like to post statistics on alcoholism and alcohol abuse. This is not to say that drinking is terrible and no one should use alcohol. Alcohol in moderation is enjoyable, a good way to relax and socialize, although relaxing and socializing…

Opioid Addiction and Suboxone

If you have encountered this problem directly or indirectly, it helps to know about opioid addiction and Suboxone. The opioid crisis rages on across the country, but treatment professionals are making strides dealing with the problem, especially with Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT). One of…

What’s vital to addiction recovery?

What’s vital to addiction recovery? I hear a lot of people say that you can’t help someone unless they want help. That’s basically true, but it’s more complex than that. Many people say they want help, yet deep down they’re unsure — many people…

Addiction treatment success

I’m often asked about NewDay Counseling’s addiction treatment success rate. It’s hard to give a good answer. First you have to define success. Is success when a person goes through treatment and never again drinks alcohol or uses some other drug? Is success measured…

Addiction Recovery Obstacles

Recognizing addiction recovery obstacles gives a person the best chance at recovery. Knowledge is power. It’s usually the unexpected in recovery that causes relapse. Complacency and ignorance are dangerous. One of the major benefits of a support group in recovery is to learn from…