Happy in Recovery

In Alcoholics Anonymous literature you’ll read that the recovering alcoholic can become happy, joyous and free. This might sound hyperbolic, but recovery is about freeing yourself from the chains of addiction to become happy in recover.

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Is anyone ever happy all the time? No. But the goal is to soberly pursue endeavors and relationships that lead to peace of mind, self esteem, joy at times and a sense of accomplishment. Recovery is not about sitting around depressed like you’re missing out on life. Recovery is about freedom and living life with awareness and mindful purpose.

Most people entering treatment for addiction fear that life will become boring without alcohol or whatever other drug they use. The reality, of course, is that the person was miserable in their addiction and they’re thinking about an early love affair with alcohol or some other drug.

The person in recovery has to rewire the brain to think in different terms. It’s a sad statement that human beings don’t have what it takes naturally to enjoy life without some kind of artificial stimulus. You can be happy in recovery. Much happier, much freer and much more joyful.