Bars Without Alcohol?

Bars without alcohol? Crazy, huh? Not really. Alcohol free clubs might become a big thing. Lots of people who don’t have a problem with alcohol, per se, are choosing to go without alcohol for periods of time, and some choose to not drink at all. Society has been brain washed with the idea that if you go to bars, clubs, pubs, you have to have alcohol or you won’t have a good time. That’s not true. Because there’s a growing demand for alcohol-free clubs, the market’s responding.

At NewDay, we tell out clients if it’s true they can’t have a good time without an artificial stimulus in their system, then that’s a sad statement. It’s not true. People can learn to have a good time without alcohol, and, for the alcoholic, have a better time. For alcoholics in the middle and late stages of alcoholism, the good times are mostly gone — drinking becomes a string of consequences, isolation and progressively worse hangovers, plus serious medical conditions.

Alcohol-free bars, though, are for anyone, and I have a hunch they’ll catch on. Bars without alcohol? What a great concept!